The Toddler Room
18 months – 2.5 years, 1 staff for every 5 children
Montrose Toddler
In our toddler room, each child’s individual needs are met by flexible scheduling, including structured indoor and outdoor activities. Toddlers are at the age of great exploration and curiosity. We create a safe, responsive, and nurturing environment to foster the growth of self-help skills, language development, social awareness and positive, non-aggressive problem solving skills in each child. Children learn best when they are engaged in exploring the world around them. As educators we believe play is key to child development and wellbeing. Children like to use their whole body and all of their senses. They are encouraged to be messy, and interact with materials and learn from these interactions. We encourage children to express their creativity in physical ways. We provide an atmosphere that develops the very best growth of each and every child. We are proud of our outdoor play environment which provides space and opportunities for active, restful play, loud, quiet play, individual and group play as well as opportunities to develop large muscle strength and skills through planned learning experiences and free play.
It takes a big heart to shape little minds
Toddler room staff
Tekesha (R.E.C.E)
Hi My name is Tekesha. I’m currently a teacher in the toddler room . I have been working at Montrose for 20 plus years. This place must be pretty phenomenal cause I’m still here!.
Nana (R.E.C.E.)
Hi, I’m Nana. I’ve been with Montrose since doing a student placement in 2012. I enjoy hiking, trying new foods, spending time with family and friends, and traveling around the world whenever I get the chance. I also consider myself an adrenaline junkie. Jumping off cliffs and rollercoasters? I’m there.
Meskreme (R.E.C.E.)
My name is Meskerem. I’m Ethiopian-Canadian living in Toronto. I am a wife and mother of 2. I love getting my nails done, I love staying organized, I’m a big fan of the Toronto Raptors, and I love spending time with my family. I have been working at Montrose for more than 10 years and I love working with everyone here, they’re like family to me!